ECO friendly biodegradable toothbrush



ECO friendly biodegradable toothbrush.

These are 100% environmentally friendly and sustainable toothbrushes. The Handel is completely 100% biodegradable and compostable made from natural bamboo. The bristles are Natural and NOT died so no nasty chemicals in your mouth.
Natural bamboo and charcoal bristles
These are soft toothbrush bristles.
Be kind to the environment, our mother earth and ditch your regular plastic tooth brush that actually just ends up in land fill, our rivers, streams and oceans!!! Did you know that Regular tooth brushes can not be recycled in your regular recycling.
$1 is also donated to the Australian Conservation foundation.

It is said That in Australia, over 30 million toothbrushes are used and disposed of yearly, that is about 1000 Tonnes of landfill each year. The plastic in toothbrushes are not biodegradable at all so it will not break down over our lifetime and even our children’s lifetime!!
So, think of all that plastic in land fill and in our precious water ways and oceans.
Plastic that ends up in our ocean (which a huge amount of it dose) gets tossed around, brakes up and marine life actually confuse it as food, so they eat it in large quantities and either choke or slowly die! This is so sad.

Go zero waste and plastic free

ECO friendly biodegradable toothbrush: $1 is also donated to the Australian Conservation foundation.